
How Absinthe Uses Compilation Callbacks for Schema Validation in Elixir

Devon Estes

Devon Estes on

How Absinthe Uses Compilation Callbacks for Schema Validation in Elixir

Absinthe manages to do a lot of interesting things during its compilation process, and today we're going to look a bit at how that works. We'll look closely at how it uses some metaprograming tricks and module attributes to provide compile-time schema validation for us.

It's pretty amazing (to me, at least) that when we use Absinthe, we can have a really simple, easy-to-use API to define our schema and we still get a good amount of compile-time type checking out of it! For example, if we try and use a type that hasn't yet been defined, we'll see an error like this in our terminal when we try and compile our application:

1== Compilation error in file lib/blog_web/schema.ex ==
2** (Absinthe.Schema.Error) Invalid schema:
3/home/devon/sandbox/absinthe_tutorial/lib/blog_web/schema/account_types.ex:10: User_state :custom_enum is not defined in your schema.
5  Types must exist if referenced.
8    (absinthe 1.4.16) lib/absinthe/schema.ex:271: Absinthe.Schema.__after_compile__/2
9    (stdlib 3.13.2) lists.erl:1267: :lists.foldl/3
10    (stdlib 3.13.2) erl_eval.erl:680: :erl_eval.do_apply/6
11    (elixir 1.11.2) lib/kernel/parallel_compiler.ex:314: anonymous fn/4 in Kernel.ParallelCompiler.spawn_workers/7

The fact that this happens is cool on its own, but how they manage to do this is what I think is really cool. It takes a lot of really tricky (but interesting) usage of modules and module attributes to make it work, and that's what we'll be covering today. But before we can get to the actual type checking, we need to take a quick look at how one defines a schema with Absinthe, and then how that schema is compiled to create those modules and module attributes using Elixir compilation callbacks.

Defining a Schema with Absinthe

To define our GraphQL schema using Absinthe, we need to write a single module in which that schema is declared, and in that module we need to use Absinthe.Schema. If your schema is small enough then doing that in one file is easy enough:

1defmodule BlogWeb.Schema do
2  use Absinthe.Schema
4  alias BlogWeb.Resolvers
6  object :user do
7    field :id, :id
8    field :name, :string
9    field :posts, list_of(:post) do
10      resolve &Resolvers.Content.list_posts/3
11    end
12  end
14  object :post do
15    field :id, non_null(:id)
16    field :title, non_null(:string)
17    field :body, non_null(:string)
18    field :user, non_null(:user)
19  end
21  input_object :post_params do
22    field :id, non_null(:id)
23    field :title, non_null(:string)
24    field :body, non_null(:string)
25    field :user_id, non_null(:id)
26  end
28  query do
29    field :posts, list_of(:post) do
30      resolve(&Resolvers.Content.list_posts/3)
31    end
32  end
34  mutation do
35    field :create_post, :post do
36      arg(:params, non_null(:post_params))
37      resolve(&Resolvers.Content.create_post/3)
38    end
40    field :update_post, :post do
41      arg(:params, non_null(:post_params))
42      resolve(&Resolvers.Content.update_post/3)
43    end
45    field :delete_post, :post do
46      arg(:id, non_null(:id))
47      resolve(&Resolvers.Content.delete_post/3)
48    end
49  end

However, once you start building out your application and things get bigger, you generally end up breaking the schema up into multiple "schema fragment" files and importing the types defined in those fragments into your schema using the Absinthe.Schema.Notation.import_types/2 and the Absinthe.Schema.Notation.import_fields/2 macros.

To do that with our schema above we might end up doing something like what is below, with each set of types defined in its own module, each of which calls use Absinthe.Schema.Notation. We can imagine that each module is defined in its own file, although they technically don't need to be:

1defmodule BlogWeb.Schema.UserTypes do
2  use Absinthe.Schema.Notation
4  alias BlogWeb.Resolvers
6  object :user do
7    field :id, :id
8    field :name, :string
9    field :posts, list_of(:post) do
10      resolve &Resolvers.Content.list_posts/3
11    end
12  end
15defmodule BlogWeb.Schema.PostTypes do
16  use Absinthe.Schema.Notation
18  alias BlogWeb.Resolvers
20  object :post do
21    field :id, non_null(:id)
22    field :title, non_null(:string)
23    field :body, non_null(:string)
24    field :user, non_null(:user)
25  end
27  input_object :post_params do
28    field :id, non_null(:id)
29    field :title, non_null(:string)
30    field :body, non_null(:string)
31    field :user_id, non_null(:id)
32  end
34  object :post_queries do
35    field :posts, list_of(:post) do
36      resolve(&Resolvers.Content.list_posts/3)
37    end
38  end
40  object :post_mutations do
41    field :create_post, :post do
42      arg(:params, non_null(:post_params))
43      resolve(&Resolvers.Content.create_post/3)
44    end
46    field :update_post, :post do
47      arg(:params, non_null(:post_params))
48      resolve(&Resolvers.Content.update_post/3)
49    end
51    field :delete_post, :post do
52      arg(:id, non_null(:id))
53      resolve(&Resolvers.Content.delete_post/3)
54    end
55  end
58defmodule BlogWeb.Schema do
59  use Absinthe.Schema
61  import_types(Absinthe.Type.Custom)
62  import_types(BlogWeb.Schema.UserTypes)
63  import_types(BlogWeb.Schema.PostTypes)
65  alias BlogWeb.Resolvers
67  query do
68    import_fields(:post_queries)
69  end
71  mutation do
72    import_fields(:post_mutations)
73  end

But how does Absinthe know that when we're referencing the :post type in the definition of our :user type, the :post is a valid type to use? Well, that's where the fun stuff come in!

How Elixir's Compilation Callbacks Work

Well, to know how Absinthe works its magic, first we need to know a bit about Elixir's compilation callbacks. A compilation callback is, as it sounds, a function that is executed either before, during, or after compilation takes place. There are a three compilation callbacks, but the two we care about for today are the @before_compile and @after_compile callbacks.

These are two functions that are called, as you would assume, before and after compilation of a module. The before_compile callback receives as an argument the compilation __ENV__, which is a struct containing information about the compilation process. More info on what exactly is in there can be found in the docs for Macro.Env. Likewise, the after_compile callback receives that same compilation __ENV__, and also the compiled bytecode for the module.

These two callbacks give us the opportunity to set up some things that might be needed for compilation in our before_compile callback, and then some checking of things that have just been compiled in our after_compile callback. That's exactly how Absinthe uses those two features for its schema compilation and schema validation.

How Absinthe Does Schema Validation at Compile Time

So, what exactly is Absinthe doing when it compiles? Well, let's start with the compilation of those schema fragments. Absinthe.Schema.Notation contains a definition of a __before_compile__/1 function which is used as the handler for the @before_compile callback for each of those schema fragments.

1defmacro __before_compile__(env) do
2  module_attribute_descs =
3    env.module
4    |> Module.get_attribute(:absinthe_desc)
5    |> Map.new()
7  attrs =
8    env.module
9    |> Module.get_attribute(:absinthe_blueprint)
10    |> List.insert_at(0, :close)
11    |> reverse_with_descs(module_attribute_descs)
13  imports =
14    (Module.get_attribute(env.module, :__absinthe_type_imports__) || [])
15    |> Enum.uniq()
16    |> Enum.map(fn
17      module when is_atom(module) -> {module, []}
18      other -> other
19    end)
21  schema_def = %Schema.SchemaDefinition{
22    imports: imports,
23    module: env.module,
24    __reference__: %{
25      location: %{file: env.file, line: 0}
26    }
27  }
29  blueprint =
30    attrs
31    |> List.insert_at(1, schema_def)
32    |> Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.build()
34  [schema] = blueprint.schema_definitions
36  {schema, functions} = lift_functions(schema, env.module)
38  sdl_definitions =
39    (Module.get_attribute(env.module, :__absinthe_sdl_definitions__) || [])
40    |> List.flatten()
41    |> Enum.map(fn definition ->
42      Absinthe.Blueprint.prewalk(definition, fn
43        %{module: _} = node ->
44          %{node | module: env.module}
46        node ->
47          node
48      end)
49    end)
51  {sdl_directive_definitions, sdl_type_definitions} =
52    Enum.split_with(sdl_definitions, fn
53      %Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.DirectiveDefinition{} ->
54        true
56      _ ->
57        false
58    end)
60  schema =
61    schema
62    |> Map.update!(:type_definitions, &(sdl_type_definitions ++ &1))
63    |> Map.update!(:directive_definitions, &(sdl_directive_definitions ++ &1))
65  blueprint = %{blueprint | schema_definitions: [schema]}
67  quote do
68    unquote(__MODULE__).noop(@desc)
70    def __absinthe_blueprint__ do
71      unquote(Macro.escape(blueprint, unquote: true))
72    end
74    unquote_splicing(functions)
75  end

At first the code in that function might be tricky to understand, but the most important part of understanding what's going on there is looking at the definition of the __absinthe_blueprint__/0 function. We can see that we're defining a function that returns a map, and that map contains a lot of information about the state of things before the current schema fragment was compiled. This __absinthe_blueprint__/0 function will be really important in the final compilation step that we'll look at in a bit.

One other really intersting thing about this code this is important to notice is how many calls to Module.get_attribute/2 there are! This is one of the things that Absinthe leans on heavily for this compilation process - the use of modules and module attributes as essentially defining global variables that can be accessed by other modules during their compilation! There are a lot of calls to Module.get_attribute/2 and Module.put_attribute/3 in this module, and recognizing this pattern helps us put the rest of the process into context.

The other thing happening here is that we're defining a lot of functions in a dynamically named module! These functions contain yet more information, and we can see a bit more of how this is used in the __before_compile__/1 function defined in Absinthe.Schema:

1defmacro __before_compile__(_) do
2  quote do
3    @doc false
4    def __absinthe_pipeline_modifiers__ do
5      [@schema_provider] ++ @pipeline_modifier
6    end
8    def __absinthe_schema_provider__ do
9      @schema_provider
10    end
12    def __absinthe_type__(name) do
13      @schema_provider.__absinthe_type__(__MODULE__, name)
14    end
16    def __absinthe_directive__(name) do
17      @schema_provider.__absinthe_directive__(__MODULE__, name)
18    end
20    def __absinthe_types__() do
21      @schema_provider.__absinthe_types__(__MODULE__)
22    end
24    def __absinthe_types__(group) do
25      @schema_provider.__absinthe_types__(__MODULE__, group)
26    end
28    def __absinthe_directives__() do
29      @schema_provider.__absinthe_directives__(__MODULE__)
30    end
32    def __absinthe_interface_implementors__() do
33      @schema_provider.__absinthe_interface_implementors__(__MODULE__)
34    end
36    def __absinthe_prototype_schema__() do
37      @prototype_schema
38    end
39  end

When each schema fragment is defined, it also defines a module that contains the information about the module that was just defined - so for example, for our BlogWeb.Schema.UserTypes module that we used above, it will define a BlogWeb.Schema.UserTypes.Compiled module. With this convention, it allows Absinthe know where to look for information for each module that was compiled with some schema information.

And now that all that work has been done during the compilation process, we can look at the __after_compile__/2 callback defined in Absinthe.Schema:

1def __after_compile__(env, _) do
2  prototype_schema =
3    env.module
4    |> Module.get_attribute(:prototype_schema)
6  pipeline =
7    env.module
8    |> Absinthe.Pipeline.for_schema(prototype_schema: prototype_schema)
9    |> apply_modifiers(env.module)
11  env.module.__absinthe_blueprint__
12  |> Absinthe.Pipeline.run(pipeline)
13  |> case do
14    {:ok, _, _} ->
15      []
17    {:error, errors, _} ->
18      raise Absinthe.Schema.Error, phase_errors: List.wrap(errors)
19  end

This is where all that information and all that metaprogramming is actually used for some helpful user features! In short, that callback will use all of the information that's been stored in various module attributes and exposed by defining all of those different functions in all of those .Compiled modules to build up something that Absinthe calls a blueprint. This blueprint is again what it sounds like - it contains the information for how documents will later by evaluated against the current GraphQL schema during resolution. It then evaluates this blueprint, and if there are any errors returned from that evaluation they're raised at the end of the compilation process!

Clearly this is kind of a compilcated process, but it's also a cool way to use some of the basic features of the Elixir compiler to deliver value to users. Exploring this process helped me learn a lot about this method of compilation of applications, but it also made it clear to me that the Absinthe team has put a great deal of time and effort into making this user experience really great, and for that I'm very thankful!

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Devon Estes

Devon Estes

Guest author Devon is a senior Elixir engineer currently working at Sketch. He is also a writer and international conference speaker. As a committed supporter of open-source software, he maintains Benchee and the Elixir track on Exercism, and frequently contributes to Elixir.

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